Why the cooperative model works well for digital-tech businesses
(Reproduced from the GM Cooperative Commission website)
by Shaun Fensom
(Reproduced from the GM Cooperative Commission website)
by Shaun Fensom
News and articles on other websites.
Co-operative and mutual models in the digital economy - report of an seminar held as part of the Co-operatives United events in 2012
Manchester and ICT for regeneration - an article from Knowledge Politics October 2007: Localism and the information society
Networks need aggregation points - places where local networks meet the backbone connections to the Internet and the rest of the world. A Digital Exchange is a new aggregation point that can support both the development of new networks and the digital economic activity that will use them. For networks it provides:
This is the text of a chapter from the book New Views of Society - Robert Owen for the 21st - Century, edited by Richard Bickle and Molly Scott Cato and published in 2008 by Scottish Left Review
You can read a review here
There is a lot of talk in UK national and local government on the need to develop ‘superfast broadband’ – indeed the government has made a commitment for the UK to have the ‘best superfast broadband in Europe by 2015’. There is an assumption that the private sector is developing this in our major cities already and that the state needs to intervene to help in rural areas – the so-called ‘final third’.